Tuition: $5500
Sibling Tuition: $2750
Payment Options:
Full Payment with Enrollment
50% with enrollment 50% due in 6 months.
First student: $500 deposit with enrollment 8 additional payments
Sibling only: $250 deposit with enrollment 8 additional payments
Payments plans must be set up within 14 days of enrollment with our Registrar,
For security purposes, our system does not automatically save credit card information for future billing.
B’nai Mitzvah tuition is for the full B’nai Mitzvah year; payment plans are offered as a courtesy and may not be cancelled mid-way through the year.
A student’s place in class is not reserved until the payment plan is approved by our Registrar.
A late fee of $500 will be assessed to accounts without a payment plan within 14 days of enrollment.
B’nai Mitzvah tuition must be paid in full no later than 60 days prior to the date.