Judaic Studies is Neshamah’s educational program for students in grades K-5.
Using a state-of-the-art digital curriculum, students learn Hebrew, Torah, Prayer and Jewish values. Students work in small groups to progress through a series of computer-based units in Hebrew and Judaics. All classes are team taught by Rabbi Rader and the Neshamah faculty.
Neshamah Faculty
Neshamah is fortunate to attract professional, passionate Jewish educators. Many of our faculty are ordained rabbis or cantors, others have masters degrees in Jewish education. All are nurturing and supportive of our students and their individual needs.
Neshamah’s Flexible Schedule
Because of our individualized curriculum and open format, students are welcome to attend any class session each week that fits their schedule. Please enroll for the class time that is your first choice. Alternate days are always available for make-up sessions.